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May 11, 2022: Round and Round we Go

I don’t understand why its so much fun to ride a merry-go-round because we carousel riders always end up in the same place. I have not been on a merry-go-round in recent memory, but I would welcome the opportunity to do this. The older the better. I don’t know that I’ve been on a carousel in which there’s a golden ring – I think that they are rare.

What made me think of this – I have been feeling lately like I’ve been going around and around and getting nowhere. This could have something to do with my having had two teeth pulled. The experience the second time around is a lot like the first.

I was told by the dental assistant the last time that I would be in the most pain on the third day. I don’t remember if this was so the last time. But this time, for sure. It was, pain wise, a most shitty day. I did not feel headachy, but the side of my face felt like it was in deep freeze. And my lower back, one side, continues to bother me, with it getting worse as the day goes on.

Alys hauls out the goat bedding

I’d gladly take the day off and sit on the porch and read a book. But I can’t do this because I am the only one here. It’s difficult to ignore a bleating goat that’s begging for more food. The hardest part of being the one in charge here is moving bags of feed. I had to move the chicken feed from the truck to the upper quadrant shed. And I had to put Tinni’s senior horse feed (which Pete had put on the porch) in horse supplement containers.

Woe is me. I must be a racehorse.

I pause, in hopes of coming up with something important to say. Most nights, I surprise myself because something fairly intelligent comes to mind. Tonight I’m surprised because nothing intelligent is coming to mind.

With Pete gone, I’ve been waking up and getting up quite early. Not before the sun rises, but after its hit the first layers of clouds. This most likely is why I am so tired now.

I got my BLBP act together today, gathering up all the itty-bitty sheets of paper that were lying around in my study and copying relevant information into my notebooks. I reiterate – I am organizationally challenged. So was my mother. I do wonder if this goes with being a creative sort. I am, she was.

I did also manage to get outside. I took Mr. T for a walk, and I got Raudi and Hrimmi (individually) out on the trails. The trails are still a bit squishy, but not dangerously so. The buds are on the trees. I can almost smell the cottonwood trees. There are little tufts of green grass here and there, and of course the horses who are food obsessed, are diving for them.

I hope tomorrow, to feel better.

Next: 130. 5/12/22: A Big Chunk of Change

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