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April 30, 2022 Who Let the Readers Out?

Who Let the Girls Out? Is a yearly event in Palmer, in which shoppers are given maps and encouraged to visit area stores and businesses. They get their maps stamped by business owners, and they are eligible for prizes. This better familiarizes them with local shops and shop keepers. It is a well advertised event.

This is mainly for for-profit business. However, last year and this year the Bright Lights Book Project set up shop in front of the Vagabond Blues bookcase, putting out signage and free books, and encouraging readers to book shop.

Last year we had books in boxes, on the floor. This year we had tables and books in bins. The displays and bookcases were very inviting.

I pulled books out of boxes at the Meeting House where we had books ready for distribution. I worked until late last night. I had most everything ready to go this morning. It was again a day-long event. I grabbed a table and the books I’d set aside from the Meeting House and headed on over to Vagabond Blues.

This morning Bill Schmidtkunz, who builds bookcases and distributes books, appeared shortly after I did, with a box of books in hand. He placed the books he came with, on the shelves. Then he joined Pete at the recycling center where they both salvaged books.

All the volunteers came and gave an assist. There were approximately eight volunteers at the bookcases at various parts of the day.

And yes, the girls came with their children. Some attempted to wheel right past, with their kids in strollers. As I have previously, I went right up to them and gave out board books. The kids (amazingly) are always very surprised and thankful. I don’t think that I’ve ever had a child say, “no thanks,” to a book.

Parents also assisted their kids in selecting books.

I did not run out of books although I did run back to the Meeting House and selected more children’s books and cookbooks.

I talked with a lot of people, including one volunteer, Hillary, who before coming to Vagabond Blues smashed up the front part of her car. She who was in the wrong gear, rear ended a very large truck. It was undamaged.

I also talked with a woman who works at Alaska Psychiatric Institute – she told me that they are in need of books, so next Thursday, when I am in Anchorage, I’ll drop off a few boxes.

It was indeed a long day, made longer by the fact that my back is still out. It was then, a day of grinning and bearing it.

After, Pete and I took Shadow to agility and after he claimed his ribbons from last week’s trial. Shadow did even better than we thought, taking four first place ribbons, two second place ribbons, and qualifying toward the next level in three classes. This means that Pete also did well. Fate will have to step in and give us an assist as far as future agility classes go. We right now don’t have a clue as to how to continue.

Next: 118. 4/29/22: Twists and Turns

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