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November 26, 2019: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

When I’m in the moment, I feel great joy. I also feel joy at times when I’m in the past or the future. I do know that the past and future are fictions – the past is based on subjective memory and the future is based upon subjective memory. Fictional accounts are just fine because they are at least based on reality. So be it.

Tending to the horses this a.m. went well because I adhered to my routine, which allowed them to adhere to their routine. I open gates, close gates, dole out hay, remove blankets, check the water, bucket the poop, compost poop, pour Tinni’s slurpy on his hay, horses back in the pen. I do things in a specific order, sometimes changing the order, this being in the name of efficiency.

The goose is flying south

All the while, the horses mill around, waiting, waiting, waiting, to be let back in their respective pens where they then chow down. For them, it’s all about food and water. It would be about sex, but Tinni has been gelded and there are no stallions around.

I next tend to the goats and chickens.

If I am attentive, the morning chores go well. And if they go well, I tell Pete upon my returning to the house that everyone is doing fine. The word I use to describe the current barnyard situation is “uneventful.” Today was uneventful because I was in the moment and did what needed to be done in the proper order.

I did let my mind wander some this a.m. I thought about my near most-recent accomplishment, my having nearly completed the College’s EMT class. I am not going to take additional EMT classes. As I told Pete, I have hit the wall and have no desire to climb back over it. He asked me if I was going to climb under it and I said no, that the wall has no bottom. My having done well in the course is a huge accomplishment, and I am taking great joy in taking the time to reflect upon this. Yes, I do have some upcoming exams, so maybe my thinking about this venture as an accomplishment is premature. We’ll see.

I also thought some about the future. Come December 15, the day after my practical exam, I am going to hit the ground running. I am going to resume writing and finish my recycling book. I am also going to continue working on the Bright Lights Book Project. The two are going to be very connected, so there will be much needed continuity and support.

I’m also going to get a hold of Susan Harris who is now the editor of the Centered Riding newsletter, and see if she wants an assist. My Centered Riding interests have been to the right of center – I want to put energy into getting back on this track. I would, in the near future, also like to do two upgrade clinics and get Level II status.

I met a woman at the hospital who seemed to me to be an excellent horsewoman. I want to see if we can work together at Saddle Up arena.

I want to complete my Bones for Life Certification. The instructor dropped me as though I was a hot potato. I want to finish.

Lots to think about. We will soon be heading to the airport and picking up my little sister who will be here through the holidays. I am so looking forward to this.

Forwards and backwards – fiction is based on what we know.

Next: 328. 11/27/19: Big Sister and Little Sister

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