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October 19, 2019: Home Sweet Home

The best days are the days when I don’t have to go anywhere. I put a string of them together and I’m quite happy. This is nonsensical given that I really do like to travel, and if given the opportunity, I would go just about anywhere.

What I most dislike about having to leave here is spending time in the car. It takes at least 20 minutes to get anywhere, and 20 minutes to get back home. That’s 40 minutes in which I could be doing something far more enjoyable.

I really feel for those who commute, even short distances, particularly those who do this day in, day out for years. Many return home to places that have little, if any

Home sweet home
Home sweet home

outside areas to roam around in. And the interiors are cramped. Yes, I’m painting a glum picture here – too bad the title of Van Gogh’s painting, The Potato Eater, is already taken.

Pete’s worked very hard to make this place a home, which makes it a comfortable place to be. Plus, there is very little noise or traffic. And we do have room to roam around.

Today was a day that is a good example of why I like being here so much. This morning, I studied for my EMT practical – went over the material on bleeding and had Pete be a patient. I’m getting it. Then Josh, our farrier, came by and trimmed all the horses’ feet. All behaved, didn’t need to be given hay. Josh, Pete, and I talked about many things, including Josh’s new physical workout plan, which in part consists of two 45-minute intense bouts of physical exercise.

Listening to him, I had an idea that we should do one of his 45-minute workouts with him. I proposed that we all go up to what we call the Bench, which is the top of a nearby hill; this is a flat foothill area about 1000 feet above here heading up Arkose ridge. Josh thought about it for a moment then said “sure.” So off Pete, Josh, Ryder, and I went. It was just starting to snow – it was quite lovely. I bounded up and down the slopes – I realized on the way down that my being so active this summer has paid off. Josh was a motivator; I am going to keep exercising.

After lunch, Pete and I took Hrimmi and Raudi for a ride on the lower trails. Quite clearly, they were as glad as we were to get out. Hrimmi is now trotting more consistently – this is a good thing.

Next, and really, this was the high point of my day – I took Tinni and Tyra for an outing, on the lower trails. I went up Jim’s Road so Tyra wouldn’t be tempted to run back home. This was the right thing to do – as soon as she was off lead she began bounding around – quite obviously, she needed to release pent up energy. And this hike was also good for Tinni, who ambled along at a steady pace.

It was near dark when I got home, I cleaned the horse pen and called it good. Tonight, I will resume studying my EMT material.

I don’t know what tomorrow will hold – I don’t have to go anywhere, for which I am quite glad.

Next: 290. 10/20/19: A Conversation with Stormy

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