Tending to the animals always grounds me, and this time was no exception. I was further grounded by the fact that Pete had made breakfast and gotten a fire going.
Writing is a form of problem solving – yesterday being a good example. I wrote about being obsessed and how, in being obsessed, I get tunnel vision, the consequence being that I don’t get things done. Articulating this subsequently brought the matter to my attention and made it possible for me to deal.
I looked for and found my wallet. It was behind the back seat of the Tundra, buried under canvas bags. I again got my surround sound devices in working order – they ceased to work last May, and I had not since taken the time to figure out what the problem was. It turned out to be that I needed new batteries. I also cleaned up the kitchen addition, which contained several now dry horse blankets. And I prepared for tomorrow’s practical, making sure I had all my materials in order.
Pretty soon, most likely after my written exam on Wednesday, I am going to clean up my work area.
I feel good about all this. Of course, my imagination continues to be on over drive. My favorite part of the Old Testament is the story of Noah and the Ark. And so, I have been wondering – if Noah was here, and it was Day 28 of the great storm, what would he do? For sure, the bad weather, in particular the rolling seas and the clamoring of all those hungry animals, had to have at times depressed him and put a damper on his being an obsessive.
He didn’t have drugs on hand. Nor did he have any Vitamin D. He must have just kept telling himself that better days were ahead.
Next: 282. 10/12/19: Women who Run with Horses |