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October 8, 2019: The Importance of Routine

It’s raining. It started last night at about 7:30 p.m., just as I was finishing what I call a round robin day – first, I got Hrimmi and Tinni out. Then I got Hrimmi and Raudi out. Then I got Tyra out. Didn’t work too well, ponying Hrimmi off of Raudi, so I am just going to pony Hrimmi off of Tinni.

It continued to rain, all night. And it is still raining. On such days, the thoughts run rampant, turn inward, and come to a screeching stop. All morning, as I have been doing morning chores, I have been thinking about the importance of routine.


I think that some fear retirement because they will now have to come up with a differing routine, one that is dictated by themselves. The routines that others impose on us begin when we are in school – we respond to bells, move from room to room, and in those rooms we sit quietly while others talk at us. We then find jobs working for others, and these others dictate to a marked degree what our routine might be.

Most retire and are suddenly confronted by the fact that their days are their own. This is why so many fear retirement. I am at the age in which my peers are deliberating about whether or not to make the so-called Kierkegaardian leap of faith. I should be more empathetic, but I cannot easily relate because my days have been my own now for many years.

I take great joy in this fact and the fact that my routine has meaning. First thing in the morning, after dressing, I head out and check on and tend to all the animals. I then come in and eat breakfast. I next do some house chores, then write or study. I eat lunch before going out again, and then tend to the animals and home school them. After, I come inside and eat dinner, then write or study some more.

This is the routine. There are variations upon a theme. For instance, I have EMT class on Wednesdays and right now, all day on Saturdays. We are at week seven. The semester is 15 weeks. I will resume writing at this time.

I read before I go to bed.

Pete’s routine is partially dependent upon his teaching schedule. I know that the prospect of his having to a take a 9-5 job, as was proposed to him when we were in Wyoming, does not appeal to him because teaching is a very self-directed activity. He’s now a tenured professor, so he gets to determine his own hours. I don’t think he is fearing retirement per say, but like many, he has some concerns about the income cut.

It’s now 11:20 a.m. I have gotten a fire going – I’m going to study for a few hours, and then if it’s still raining, I’ll take Ryder and Tinni for a walk. Having a flexible routine, this is actually what is most important to me. Take this away, and I will wither on the vine.

Next: 279. 10/9/19: Obsession

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