The consequence of this ongoing bit of news was that we are both more appreciative of the fact that he still has a job. As I keep reminding him, let’s not take your plum job for granted.
Faculty have left, this includes a full time English Department person. So there does exist the possibility that in the future, her job might again be available. I who have applied several times for a teaching job at the college, will (if there is an opening) apply again.
I will again hesitate because it takes a long, long time to put together an application. They usually ask for a few essays and a letter of recommendation. There is then a wait. And I have yet to get a reject letter from the last time I applied. The latter pisses me off because this, in academic circles, is a common courtesy.
I’d of course take the job, though of course I’d have a few qualms, the most significant one being that this would be a major lifestyle change for me. I joking tell friends that I retired when I was 14. Behind every joke is a half-truth. The half-truth here is really, that I retired when I was 40, after I’d become over educated, and over educated a handful of students.
On a day-to-day basis, I really enjoy what I’m doing. I write in the mornings. This has always been a given. Right now, I am catching up on trip dispatches. However, after, I have two book projects and several essays that I need to complete.
For the past fifteen years or so, I’ve also taken one or two classes a year. There are course fees but no tuition. Right now I’m taking the first level EMT class. This is because I sat in on it last semester, and this semester I figured that for this reason it would not be as tough to pass as it might be otherwise. If I do well, that is I pass the national exam, I will be a certified WEMT, or Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician. There is then, that the likelihood that after doing this, that an interesting job might materialize.
I also (of course) enjoy working with the animals. I’ve resumed doing agility with Ryder and the horses. If I got a real job, I would have to curtail these activities.
I also enjoy adhering to my own schedule.
We’ll see what happens. I’m open to any and all possibilities.
Next: 240. 8/30/19: The Writing Life: A Chance Meeting |