I also have not been sleeping very well. I rise with the sun because otherwise I would not be able to get back to sleep. And the best time of day is around 10 p.m. when I realize the day’s end is near and that I’ll soon be going to bed.
I am not yet overly concerned about this. I will become concerned when my loss of energy is such that I can’t physically and mentally do what I set out to do later in the day. In the meantime, I keep motoring along . . . .
Today was not a momentous day, but was one that was productive. I worked on the proposal this morning – I’m making headway. Then I studied some for my Wilderness First Responder exam, which will be next Saturday. Gulp. Pete and I next did a practical exam practice session, which was very helpful. What I most fear is that I will, in taking the written or hands-on exam, suddenly freeze and be unable to think. I’ve felt this way in the past. It’s never happened before, so I should tell myself that it won’t happen now.
We both did an inventory of our trip food, specifically our dehydrated items. We have more than enough dinners, but we are a little low on breakfast and lunch supplies.
I next went to strength training – had a very good session. I felt strong and confident. I can now jump 15 or so inches, up onto a box. I can do chin ups, the kind where you jump up and pull yourself up over the bar. And I can lift 150 pounds up off the ground, via what’s called a trap bar.
My sore hip is feeling better, so tomorrow I will resume running.
Upon arriving home, I assisted Pete in getting bananas ready for the dehydration trays. He then ran them as well as apples and pineapples over to our neighbor Dorothy’s house.
The rest of my day and evening was pretty much spent cleaning the horse pen. It’s a slush pit, but at least they all aren’t standing around in their own shit. I would feel terrible about that. The warm weather returned, and so quite a bit of the snow did melt today.
Lastly, I took Ryder and Tinni for a walk around the loop. No one was around. I’ll bet our neighbors were tired, and rather than exert themselves, headed for bed.
Next: 108. April 20, 2019: Coming Down to the Fire |