The following conversation took place today, in the Playground of Higher Learning. I showed Raudi the Christmas agility course and we did it a few times.
Alys: Well Raudi, this is it, the December course.
Raudi: Lots of stuff here.
A: Yes, there are no multiple obstacles.
R: I see you have the hanging bell. I like that one.
A: Yes.
R: And the plastic bottle obstacle.
A: This month you have to walk through it, behind me.
R: No problem.
A: And check this out. It’s a Christmas grotto. You have to carry a package as |
Raudi weaving the star pattern
you walk through it. And I have to walk on the outside of it.
R: Looks like a snow berm to me.
A: That’s what it is. I am waiting before I put the decorations on it.
R: And of course, there is a curtain.
A: This month you have to wait, and then walk through it.
R: Piece of cake.
A: But I still have to add the tinsel.
R: Question.
A: Yes?
R: Do I have to wear a silly outfit?
A: Yes. Here is your elf hat.
R: Oh no, not the elf hat!
A: Oh yes, the elf hat! Would you prefer the Santa hat?
R: I would prefer nothing at all.
A: The course outline says that you have to wear a costume.
R: And what about you?
A: I’ll come up with something.
R: You wear the elf hat.
A: And you can wear the Santa hat.
R: I don’t like having things like that around my ears.
A: How about leg wraps and a red blanket?
R: The blanket – that’s supposed to go at the base of a Christmas tree.
A: That’s right.
R: I have this odd feeling that I am not going to win this one.
A: Nope?
R: So here, I am supposed to step over a pole that is knee high?
A: Yep. I am going to make it into a snow berm.
R: It’s warm, all the snow is disappearing.
A: Yes, we are experiencing climate change.
R: What’s that?
A: The temperature of the earth is rising rapidly. It’s the result of many things, the big picture being that we humans are not taking very good care of the planet.
R: Yes, I have sensed that something is amiss – the changing weather patterns are disconcerting.
A: How so?
R: Sometimes my gut bothers me.
A: You think this is weather related?
R: Yes. Didn’t used to happen.
A: Well, you are being fed on a consistent basis.
R: This is not a good sign. Hey, I want a baby and I want it now.
A: You want me to get you one for Christmas?
R: Won’t happen. You don’t celebrate Christmas.
A: How do you know this?
R: When we go for rides in the woods – you never, ever have cut down a tree and asked me to drag it home.
A: Nope. And I never will.
R: I would like a tree for Christmas.
A: Why?
R: I’m craving a good healthy holiday chew.
A: Make a deal with you.
R: What’s that?
A: You wear this elf hat and you get a holiday tree.
R: You drive a hard deal.
A: You know, very few horses ever get choices.
R: And very few owners ever get choices.
A: This here is the final obstacle.
R: Looks like the spool top.
A: Yep. And when I lead you up to it, you can do as you wish.
R: Really?
A: Yep. So what do you want to do?
R: Turn on the forehand. See? Like this.
A: Very impressive.
R: Yes. Am I still too cute for my own good?
A: Some things never change. Once again, yes.
343. 12/12/17: Making the Horse/Human Body Awareness Connections |