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October 5, 2017: The Light Team

Today I talked to my dad’s wife Carol. It had been a while since I’d done this, mainly because she lives in New Hampshire, which timewise is four hours ahead of us. I don’t make calls often and I don’t make them in the daytime hours because I’m writing or working with the horses.

Our conversation was chugging along at a steady pace, and then in my head it came to a screeching halt. I distinctly heard her say that she talked to my dad via a psychic and this woman told her that Dad says he now part of a light team. She then added that he and his other team members are thinking that Pete and I are going to assist in keeping the world from being blown up.

I passed the age of disbelief some time ago, but this gave me reason to pause. I then moved on. My first thought was that this could not be. My second thought was that if this is so, this is a lot of responsibility to put on Pete and my shoulders. My third thought was how are we going about doing this?

The answer is, by example. Having a semi-subsistence lifestyle. Thinking good thoughts about others. Helping out whoever needs it. Being generous without questioning why. Continuing to do service work. Blah blah blah. I say the latter because I really can’t believe that my father sees me

in particular as being exemplary, that is unless every so often he turns his head and looks the other way.

I am in actuality a mean self-centered judgmental bitch. I once had a friend, this was when I was in graduate school, who said that the reason why people hate me is because I stand on high moral ground. She was absolutely right.

I am attempting to make changes. Interestingly enough, the fact that my dad thinks that Pete and I might be able to affect change makes me realize that I am going to have to make changes. I will now, when I have a negative thought or am on the verge of saying something negative about someone, take a deep breath and then give it a positive twist. After all, I want the light team to know that I’m upholding their high standards.

I do believe that my father did speak via the psychic with Carol. And I do believe that he is keeping a close eye on Pete and my doings. But I still have some very practical unanswered questions – like, who is on the light team? How do you get selected for this? Who else have the members of this team earmarked as being harbingers of change? Is my father going to come back as himself or as someone else? Is anyone else I once knew on this team? And so they function as a team and make group decisions?

I doubt that I am ever going to get any answers to these questions. But I am glad that my father is okay and has a great job. Hopefully, more details will be forthcoming via Carol, who said that she’d again, soon meet with the psychic.

Next: 276. 10/6/17: Light Team work, Continued

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