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June 18, 2017: Day Three of the Three Day Clinic

I have noticed something really interesting about the human species; something that must be related to our having prefrontal cortexes. We who have a well-developed prefrontal lobe are better able to organize and plan – this is why we are so adept at figuring out what we need to be doing next.

This is the trend – I have seen this in visitors. There is a point in time at which the conversation shifts from what one is doing to what one is going to do. The subject matter then focuses from the here and now to the future. Talk then becomes related to travel plans –for instance confirming flight schedules and getting home and resuming the old routines.

This is really evident at clinics. The final day or two of a two or three day clinic becomes a wrap-up day, and the conversation shifts from the present to the future. This is why I think that two day clinics should be three days in length and three day clinics should be four days in length. The final day might then be spent speculating about upcoming plans.

Susan and Peggy both gave their final lessons today. According to Pete, Peggy’s final lesson was a bit short. He said that perhaps this was because he didn’t ask for more specific directives, which he could have. I also added that most likely that Peggy was tired out. However, Susan’s lessons continued on well past the designated hour mark. Peggy, in stepping out of the indoor arena and watching Susan in the outdoor arena said that Susan often loses track of time when she teaches.

Susan was not at all thinking that this was the final hour of a three day clinic and that she had things that she needed to get done before heading home or once at home. And the students were not thinking that this was the final hour of a three day clinic and they had things they needed to get done before heading home. No, rather,

all were quite intent on what they were doing, which was trail-related work. This was because Susan was giving them her undivided attention and therefore they were giving her their undivided attention. It was totally a reciprocal activity.

And we must not forget that horses were a part of this equation. They too were working hard. It was of course easier for them because they pretty much live in the here and now. This is their saving grace. Otherwise they would constantly be fretting, wondering where their next meal was coming from and where the trailer was taking them. Must be advantages to not having thumbs.

Susan finished her lesson by talking with the students about what they learned. After, there was a collective wrap-up session, one which the comments of a few were shared by all. Then, and only then, did Susan and Peggy resume thinking about their own travel plans. Tomorrow, Pete is going to get up early and give the pair a ride to the airport. This way they won’t have to take the airport shuttle.

Off the two Centered Riding clinicians go, back to the respective homes. And Pete and I, who live here, will resume our respective routines. It will be business as usual. Time to resume CTR training.

166. 6/19/17: End Gaining

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