or grouse about anything. We are just the epitome of the city mouse and the country mouse.
The day began with a lengthy breakfast, made by Pete – blueberry pancakes, coffee, tea, strawberries – and goat milk. Then we gave the girls The Tour – this was three tours combined into one – the compost/garden tour, the horse/other animal tour, and the garden tour. This took nearly two hours. One thing that I learned – and this is very important – is that you can plant strawberries in concentric circles and consequently save money. Colleen told me this.
We then ate lunch and then afterwards went over to Deb Moore’s place where she introduced the girls to their riding horses. We also met Smoky, an older white horse – this is the horse that Susan is going to paint on Sunday and Peggy is going to give her riding demonstration. Corrine rode her today.
We took the girls and Raudi and Hrimmi over to Deb’s place, and then trailered over to Crevasse Morraine where we rode for about two hours. It was not my best ride – the bugs were hellacious. But the terrain was just fine
The news of the day was that Hrimmi, though far back in the trail ride (she prefers to go slow) did her first lengthy trail ride with strange horses. She continued to go slow – and Pete, quite wisely, did not force her to go faster than she was capable of. The trail was extremely buggy – I was kicking myself really hard because I did not bring bug repellent. If I had, I would have had a way different ride, for sure.
None of the horses liked having to deal with the bugs. Deb’s advice to us all was to keep going fast, this way the bugs would be less bothersome. And it worked, although my heart was in my throat because Raudi was being such an idiot. So the question now is, were the flies a part of the problem for this diva or was she just wanting to eat grass? I will never know.
Day’s done, gone the sun, everyone is squared away, and I am now going to bed.
Next: 156. 6/8/17: In Readiness |