Little Plywood is an up and coming cartoon character, always on the fringes – a good friend with Drywall who likes hovering in corners.
Little Plywood is an extrovert and has two differing personalities.
And on and on it goes, in my head, all day, and all night. This is why I cannot sleep. I crave illusive sleep. I fear that going without it is going to lead to dementia. A very scary thought because I value being grounded. Although I create characters and these characters come to life, I am well aware that I am doing this. To be unaware that I’m doing this scares me. Yep, gotta get off the sleep deprivation program.
I am so very glad to be having an ideas day during the course of a clinic. It is now Saturday evening – I showed everyone the drawings that accompanied the above write-up. I am including them in this dispatch in order to give all you readers a context for what I have written.
Arrogant me, thinking that I have many dispatch readers. Now I know that this is not so, but I very much enjoy thinking that I do, and that all are enjoying the sporadic but further adventures of the Bacon Family.
Very important – the premise behind this clinic is that we are encouraging everyone to create, not to imitate. Whoa, I like this idea. Susan Harris suggested it and I came up with words for it. So far, I think that others are doing the same. Providing triggers, giving others permission to act upon their own triggers, what more than this can we do?
Next: 119. 4/29/17: Creativity Clinic Day #2: The Image |