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March 11, 2016: Another Ideas Day (Sigh)

Idea days come when I’m not acting on ideas generated on previous idea days. Some ideas become keepers and some I discard. I discard some because I either lack the acumen to carry them out or because I’m acting upon other ideas. Right now, as I write this, Pete is hauling brush and logs out of the arena site. I feel bad because I should be helping him. But I know that if I don’t immediately write down what I’m thinking that this very important idea will fall by the wayside.

This morning my idea took the form of a slowly emerging book title. I’ve been tossing parts of possibilities around in my head for some time. As I was cleaning up the horse pen, the title pieces all fell into

Future arena location

place. I was at the time thinking about my anatomy and physiology paper, which is going to be on the subject of respiration. The working title (I like this phrase, it makes me feel as though my project has great import) is now Coming up for Air and Related Essays: Further Explorations on the Six Basics of Centered Riding – Breathing, Soft Eyes, Centering, Alignment, Grounding, and Clear Intent. These will be personal essays in which I’ll show readers the path of my thinking. The word “further” is very important in that I will be advancing the ideas of Centered Riding founder Sally Swift. I’m not coming up with new principles; rather, I’m expanding on the principles that were originally her own.

Much of what I’ve learned in relation to the six basics is related to what I’ve been learning in anatomy and physiology. And all relate to my internal martial arts/Feldenkrais training. Additionally, I began writing a book two years ago, called Lessons Learned – it was about my summer jumping lessons. Much of what I wrote in my first draft will come into play here. What I lacked was what I now have – a framework for the material and ideas on hand. This will keep my project from imploding.

There is a definite audience for this book – it’s primarily Centered Riding Instructors and Students. At the same time, the audience is those like me, returning riders or those who are most interested in making the connections between their riding-based mental and physical selves.

It helps when others take my ideas and run with them – and vice versa. Mary Trafford, who lives in Quebec and is a Centered Riding III instructor and I are working on a plan to do a Centered Riding Writing/Riding workshop in June. This will take place on the east coast, at the time when I’m there. We are hoping to generate material for a book of Centered Riding poetry. I am thinking that perhaps we can also meet with Martha Cook, an editor at Traflagar Press and run both book ideas by her.

Lots to think about. In the meantime, I have one eye on the computer and one eye out the window. Pete is now loading logs onto the sled. Heavy and not fun work. What I am doing, generating and putting ideas in order, is much more fun. Someday he is going to wake up and say that the fun/work balance is askew. I hope when he mentions this that my ideas by then have their own momentum.

Next: 70. 3/12/16: Middle Memory

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