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January 29, 2016: A Conversation with Mr. Tinni

Alys: Hey old man, what’s happening?
T: Not much.
A: How are you feeling?
T: Pretty good, because lately I’ve been getting my rightful share of hay.
A: I take it that you are enjoying having the open stall to yourself at night.
T: Yes. I enjoy eating alone.
A: All the time?
T: No, not all the time. Mainly at night. I like hanging out in the paddock with Hrimmi and Raudi during the day.
A: Been wondering. Do you miss living in Anchorage?
T: Once in a while I think about Caitlin and some of the rides we did – we often went far and fast. That’s when I was young and energetic. So, at times, I miss being that fit. However, I don’t miss my stablemates. They were a cantankerous lot.
A: How could your lot in life be improved here?
T: Lately I’ve been wanting a salmon burger and some chips.
A: The last time you had both was when we went down the road and crashed a neighborhood party.
T: Yes, as I recall, I ate very well that day. And they gave me my own plate and place by the picnic table.
A: It’s now looking like those days are over.
T: Why is that?

Tinni with kids
Tinni with kids

A: Because the owners of the end of the road property, where they had that party, have recently passed on.
T: No.
A: Yes. Pat and Ray are now both dead.
T: Dead?!?
A: Ray died several months ago of a brain tumor. And Pat died of complications related to COPD.
T: COPD! You have to be picky when you eat hay. The moldy stuff will kill you.
A: No, I think that in this instance it was the cigarette smoke.
T: The things you humans do to yourselves amazes me. Smoking, that’s a really disgusting habit.
A: You haven’t coughed in years.
T: Nope. Been feeling really good. The hay here suits me well.
A: And the equine company?
T: I got ‘em trained up. The two little mares here do whatever I tell them to do. After all, I be the man.
A: So your mojo is working?
T: Yep. Damn right it is.
A: No surprise. You raised Raudi and you raised Hrimmi.
T: I hear that another red one is coming here in May.
A: That’s right. Her name is Tyra.
T: Her name means glimmer or spark.
A: Yes.
T: What’s she like?
A: Kathy Lockerbie, her owner, says that she’s an unflappable pocket pony.
T: I can deal with her. All I have to do is put my body in front of hers when she gets out of hand.
A: As always, your assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
A: Tyra is also a trained agility horse.
T: You don’t say.
A: I do say.
T: Walking over obstacles makes no sense to me.
A: Well Raudi and Hrimmi seem to enjoy it.
T: Yes they do; although Raudi recently told me that she’d rather be out on the trail.
A: And Hrimmi?
T: She likes doing new things. Hasn’t been around long enough to see agility can be the same old same old.
A: I see.
T: Back to the subject of the salmon burger and chips. Do you think you could whip me up a burger? I also like chips salty.
A: We are out of salmon. But Pete is going to go dipnetting this spring. I’ll make sure that he sets aside some fish for you.
T: And cooks it.
A: Yes, and cooks it.
T: And puts it in a bun.
A: And puts it in a bun.
T: And hold the pickles, catchup and mayo.
A: No problem.
T: And one more thing.
A: What’s that?
T: Give the lettuce to Freebird and Sofie.
A: Will do.

Next: 30. 1/30/16: Centered Riding to AK: A Day-Long Feldenkrais Workshop

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