place. I’d then ride home. I was anxious about the prospect of riding with Vickie. Vickie is a good rider who moves effortlessly with her well-trained horse. I, in contrast am a mediocre rider who moves with great effort on her not so well trained horse. Center and grow.
This was to be the first time that I was to accompany Vickie while riding Raudi. In the past I usually rode steady eddy Tinni. But now that Raudi is my number one riding horse, this was something that I felt compelled to do. Center and grow.
I walked Raudi down to the Murphy Road turnoff, a distance of about 1 ½ miles from our place. I waited and waited but she did not appear. Center and grow. I finally walked Raudi back home. Vickie appeared less than five minutes after I got home. We took off after eating lunch. Hunar was very focused from the get go. Raudi was not very focused. Center and grow.
Cantered Raudi’s Racetrack – came to the four corners trail too soon. I nearly came off. Center and grow. Continued on through the Moose Meadows to the Rocky Road trail, then came to the Ruff Grouse Society trail turnoff. I had a few days ago ridden to this very place, and seeing the steep drop off, opted to take an alternative route. Center and grow. I had no choice but to follow. Made it down the ravine on my trusty horse, who did this as a matter of course. Center and grow.
The remaining trail was nice, challenging in places, with a few more hills. We then ventured onto the power line trail. Center and grow. Had never ridden it before. We then came to this place where there was a whole lot of construction going on. Unreal. Passed a Tyvek covered house surrounded on the side by a small white picket fence. Inside this fenced-in area was all kinds of junk. I said to Vickie that I’m going back to get a photo for the online agility group – the whole place was the ultimate scary corner. Made going through sawhorses with caution tape on them seem like a cakewalk. Center and grow.
We were now in a residential area – there were numerous ATVs, cars, trucks. Made it safely to Vickie’s place, put Raudi in with Hunar for a bit, and said to myself – have centered, have grown.
But the day was not yet over, oh no. Vickie drew me a map for the homeward trek. This was not the route we’d taken, but an alternative route. It was the road route. I got confused in very short order, and decided to ride the power line trail route, the one we’d just taken.
Got lost. Ended up on a forestry road. Kept going because it was a good road, firm underfoot, through the woods and a clear-cut. Thought some about the nature of getting lost. Wondered if Pete would put together a search and rescue group. He is such an organizer. Center and grow. Realized that I didn’t have a phone, and I didn’t have any water with me. At the point at which I was about to start plea bargaining with Dog, the trail opened up, and I found myself on the powerline. Center and grow.
Both directions looked the same to me so I went to the right. In a bit I saw horse hoofprints in the dust, realized that I’d done a loop of sorts. All along I’d been alternating walking and riding. I continued to do this after I got back on track, and made sense of Vickie’s map. Center and grow. A bicyclist pulling a trailer that contained a large cooler verified that I was going in the right direction. Center and grow.
The ride home was blessedly uneventful, with one exception, and that was the porcupine sighting. Raudi saw it first – it was right in front of us, to our left. He was climbing a tree. He changed his mind and then backed down. Raudi did not move until he was in the bushes. I got off her and walked past it. Center and grow.
Trotted and cantered back up Murphy Road, of course loosening her girth and walking the final stretch. I don’t know who was more eager to get home, me or Raudi. Center and grow.
Next: 165. 6/26/15: Putting Things Together