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December 2, 2021: My Parents Legacy

I had a choice today. I could either stay home and get the horses out, or I could go to the Meeting House. The temperature had dropped again, to 0˚F. However, it was by 10 a.m. quite beautiful. The low-lying sun was shining, and the snow on the trees was all glittery. I wavered because both choices were equally important.

I finally decided to go to the Meeting House and have Pete drop me off there on his way to school, then later come and pick me up. I figured that if I got stuff done today, I would not need to go in on Saturday. I set my temperature concerns aside – if it remains cold, I’ll just resume walking the horses.

Raudi with Equimeasure pad

My decision, to go to the Meeting House was finalized when I had more to do than administrativa. People were coming there, on business. So off I went.

My first visitor was Nan Potts who, wearing her winter gear, blew in and blew out – she had gone on a hike in the Butte this morning and was on her way to meet up with a friend. She came for, and got, the last small bookcase – it’s going to hold books at Lavender’s, a beauty salon. Nan will remain in charge of this bookcase as well as the one in the Mat-Su Borough Building.

Bea Adler was right behind her – the two are good friends and both attend Thursday Valley Arts Alliance meetings. They talked at length about particulars relating to the upcoming theatre production of the Sound of Music. Nan is a stage manager and Bea is a costume designer. Right now, there are problems locating a place to have a play because the Mat-Su College art center/theatre is closed because of Covid.

Nan Left and Bea and I talked for over an hour, mainly about the books that she came in with, and the books she left with. Our reading tastes are similar, so I found myself moving titles up on my “to read” list.

Our conversation was winding down when Kenda came in the door. Kenda is very direct, and very focused. She immediately started taking a look at the box of craft books I’d set aside for her, and decided to take them all. Then she was out the door. Bea soon followed.

After they left, I put stickers on some of Milena’s box of First Books donations. All were the story of Molly of Denali. And as I engaged in this mindless activity, it occurred to me that I remain my parent’s daughter. Books were a big part of both of their lives. My father owned a bookstore, and my mother worked in one. Me, I now have created an opportunity that allows me to talk books. Who would have thunk it?

Next: 334. 12/3/21: A Conversation with Ryder

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