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Gudmar Petturson Clinic

I wrote an overview of the August, 2008 Gudmar Petturson Clinic for the October, 2009 AIHA Newsletter. This two-day clinic took place at Virginia Crawford’s Lazy Mountain Farm.

Gudmar Petturson’s clinic was held at Ginny Crawford’s Lazy Mountain Icelandic Horse Farm. Gudmar first gave Friday evening pre-clinic lecture, on the importance of the topline, and integrating information about the various gaits into this discussion. Some direct quotes from Gudmar were “Five gaited horses are more suitable for less experienced riders because you can work with the rider on suppleing,” “Riding from the lower leg encourages the horses’ legs to come under,” “The tolt is a gift from the Gods but does not come from heaven,” and “Trotty horses are sometimes the best tolters, and “Backing releases the back muscles.”

During the next two days attendees were then able to put topline theory to practice, as they worked in groups of three and four. Riders, under Gudmar’s tutledge, had horses do a series of flexibility exercises, some of which included backing, moving on the forehand, circling, one rein stops. We began of course, with bending work.

At the conclusion of each series of exercises, the riders took to the rail and practiced tolting, rating their horses and when needed, doing serpentines. Particularly useful was a demonstration by Gudmar, that is one in which he rode Virginia’s horse Lysa, and (as he was going along) explained the process by which he was getting her to tolt. Gudmar’s having broken this into visible steps it more comprehensible to the rest of us.

There was also a grande finale – on the final class of the final day, Gudmar allowed Katelyn, Cijo, and Alea to hand gallop their horses. The arena dust settled and spectators cheered. Wide smiles were seen on the faces of all riders.


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