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Anatomy and Physiology
Questions and Answers, The Digestive System

QTD Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, Colville, Bassert

1. What are the cardia, fundus, pyloric antrum, and pylorus of the stomach? What are each of their functions?
The cardia is the area immediately surrounding the opening from the esophagus into the stomach. The cardia sphincter helps reduce reflux of stomach contents back up into the esphogus. The orientation of the esophagus as it enters the stomach also provides a natural closure for the cardia as the stomach fills and distends. The fundus is the section of stomach that forms a distendible, blind pouch that expands as more food is swallowed. The body of the stomach is also a distensible section in the “middle” of the stomach. The pyloric antrum is the distal part of the stomach that grinds up swallowed food and regurgitates the hydrochloric acid that is produced by the fundic and body parietal cells. The pylorus is the muscular sphincter (ring of muscle in tubular organ) that regulates the movement of chyme or digested stomach contents, from the stomach to the into the duodenum (first part of the small intestine) and prevents backflow of duodenal contents into the stomach.

2. Describe what each of these cells produces: Parietal, Chief, Mucous, and G cells. What do each of their products do?
Parietal cells (also called oxyntic cells in older texts) produce hydrochloric acid.

Chief cells produce an enzyme producer called pepsinogen.
Mucous cells produce protective mucus.

The glands of the pyloric antrum contain endocrine cells called G cells which secrete the hormone gastrin. The presence of food in the blood stimulates the G cells to dump gastrin into the blood. It travels, among other places, to the gastric glands in the proximal part of the stomach, where it stimulates the release of hydrochloric acid from the parietal cells. Like the gastric gland in the fundus and body, the gastric glands in the pyloric antrum also contain many mucous cells.

3. How does motility differ in the fundus versus the body or pyloric antrium?
The pylorus is the muscular sphincter (ring of muscle in the tubular organ) that regulates the movement of chime (or digested stomach contents) from the stomach into the duodenum) (first part of the small intestine) and prevents the backflow of duodenal contents into the stomach.

The plyloric antrum is the distal part of the stomach that grinds up swallowed food and regulatesthe hydrochloric acid that’s produced by the fundic and body parietal cells. The fundus is the section of stomach that forms a distensible, blind pouch that expands as more food is swallowed.

4.Explain the effect that each of the following has on gastric motility:
Gastrin, increased acidity in the duodenum, Secretin, Chlolecystokinin (CCK).

Gastrin, which is produced by the G cells in the antrum of the stomach, increases the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and also inhibits the muscle activity of the fundus, resulting in relaxation and greater filling of the stomach. When food is initially swallowed, and begins to distend the body and antrum of the stomach, gastrin is released and signals the fundus to relax so that food can be accommodated. Any factors that bring about distension of the intestines or an increased acidity in the duodenum will inhibit stomach contraction, resulting in delayed gastric emptying of the contents. This enterogastric reflex prevents the stomach from pushing its contents into the duodenum before the small intestine is ready to handle additional chime. Secretin is a hormone released from the duodenum in response to excess stomach acid being present in the small intestine. Secretin, like gastrin, can cause the fundus to relax, but it also can inhibit peristalsis of the body and antrum of the stomach to slow gastric emptying. Large amounts of fat or protein in the duodenum also slow gastic emptying by inhibiting gastric contractions. In this case, these nutrients stimulate the release of a hormone called cholecystokinin which, like secretin, decreases contraction of the antrum, body, and (like gastrin) the fundus.

5. What is the relationship between peposinogen and pepsin? What does the pepsin do?
Peposingen is secreted by the chief cells and is a precursor for the enzyme, pepsin. Under the influence of hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen is converted into the active, proteolytic (protein digesting) enzyme pepsin in the lumen of the stomach. The proteins broken down by the pepsin form chains of amino acids but are not broken down into the elemental acids themselves. This takes place in the small intestine. The presence of peptides in the pyloric antrum of the stomach stimulates the G cells to release more gastrin, which in turn stimulates more hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen to release. Once the pepsin moves from the acidic pH pf the stomach to the more alkaline pH of the duodenum, it is inactivated by the change in pH and stops functioning.

6. What is the difference between the terms mucus, mucous, and mucin? What roles does bicarbonate play in the mucous layer?
The mucus produced by the gastric glands is a complex of many substances that provides a gelatinous, protective coating for the stomach. Mucins are complex molecules produced by thegoblet cells in the gastric glands, and they are the main constituent of the mucous coating. In addition to the mucin, bicarbonate ion is also secreted onto the surface, making the mucouscoat more alkaline. By alkalinizing the mucus, the hydrochloric acid contacting it is neutralized to some degree.

7.What are the three receptors on the parietal cells that stimulate hydrochloric acid production?
The parietal cell has three receptors on the “blood” side of the cell (as opposed to the stomach lumen side) of the cell) that regulate acid production. These receptors are for gastrin, acetylcholine (the neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system) and histamine. Stimulation of all three of these receptors results in the optimum amount of hydrogen and chloride secretion (hence hydrochloric acid production.)

8. How does the stomach know when to stop producing acid?
When the pH of the stomach contents in the good ol antrum drops below three, gastrin release is inhibited. With the inhibition of gastrin release, one of the three stimulants for hydrogen and chloride production is terminated, and hydrochloric acid declines.

9. What effect do prostaglandins have on mucus production, gastric blood flow, and the ability of the stomach to heal itself?
Prostaglandins (PGS) are small molecular structures released in the body that have a wide variety of effects. Among these is their involvement in inflammation. They are the end product of a cascade of steps in inflammation that ultimately result in redness, swelling, heat, and pain associated with injury and or trauma and disease. Many have beneficial activities, including regulating blood supply to the kidney, regulating the normal estrus cycle, and maintaining the normal health and stability of the GI tract. PGs cals stimulate the cells in the gastric glands to produce the bicarbonate ion, which helps to make the mucous layer capable of neutralizing the stomach acid to some degree.

10. Explain how NSAIDS produce sid effects in the GI tract.
Nonsteroidal Antinflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as aspirin, carprofen, (Rimadyl) meloxicam, (Metacam) and others, produce their anti-inflammatory effect by blocking the production of inflammatory PGs.

Extra Information:

1.What are the compartments of the ruminant stomach?
Which are the forestomachs and which one is the true stomach? The compartments are the reticulum, the rumen, and the omasum. The abomasum is the true stomach.

2. What exactly is hardware disease? With which forestomach is it usually associated?
When reticulorumen contractions occur, a wire or sharp object may penetrate the cranial wall of the or the reticulum, causing hardware disease. Because the reticulum is separated from the heart by the diaphragm and a relatively short distance, an object piercing thereticulum can also penetrate the diaphragm and pericardium (outer membranous sac surrounding the heart) causing pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium).

3. What is rumination versus eructation? What purposes do they serve?
Cud is regurgitated up the esophagus, where it is chewed or reswallowed. This is rumination. Built up carbon dioxide or methane gas is expelled from the rumen. This is eructation.

4. What is fermentation digestion? How is it difference from nonfermentative digestion?
The ruminant animal derives much of its necessary sources of energy and basic cellular building blocks from the fermentation of rechewed (remasticated) plant material by bacterial and protozoal enzymes. This process is often called fermentative digestion. The enzymes that break down foodstuffs in fermentative digestion come from bacteria and protozoa, in contrast to the nonfermentative processes in monogastric animals, wherein the enzymes are produced byglands in and along the digestive tract. Thus ruminants depend on microbes for their nutritional needs.

5. What is the relationship among cellulose, pectin, cellase, glucose, and VFAs?
The enzymes produced by the digestive glands in the monogastric animals cannot digest the cellulose and pectin that make up the wall of plant cells. However, rumen bacterial surfaces have cellulose enzymes that can digest cellulose effectively and transform the complex carbohydrate structure of enzymes into much simpler monosaccharides and less complex polysaccarides. The glucose sugar produced by this process is not immediately available to the host animal. Instead, the glucose liberated from the plant materials (and other carbohydrate sources, like starch) is absorbed into the microbes and converted biochemically to volatile fatty acids, or VFAs.

6. What is the relationship among proteases, peptides, and amino acids?
Like carbohydrates, proteins in the ruminant diet are attacked by anerobic microbial enzymes in the rumen. Proteases (enzymes that break down proteins) reduce the long proteins to short peptides (short chains of amino acids) and the amino acid building blocks of the peptides and proteins. Just as the breakdown of complex carbohydrates yielded simple sugars that were used by the rumen microorganisms, the amino acids and peptides from the protein breakdown
are also used by the rumen’s microbes.

7. What role does urea play in the rumen function? Which organ converts ammonia to urea?
Additional nitrogen for rumen microbes comes from the ruminant’s production of urea by the liver, which makes its way to the rumen via the bloodstream and saliva. Urea is the end product of the liver’s activity to convert possibly poisonous amounts of ammonia into substances that can be used by the ruminant body.

8. How is the young calf’s GI tract different from an adult’s? What is the role of the reticular groove?
A newborn ruminant’s digestive tract functions primarily as a monogastric digestive system. The rumen and reticulum at birth are small compared to the omasum and the abomasum and are essentially nonfunctional. Little or no fermentative digestion occurs while the animal is nursing.
The abomasum (the true stomach) is the largest of four stomach compartments for the first few weeks of life. Milk in the rumen of a young animal can disrupt normal development of the fermentative digestive process. Therefore, the ability of the reticulum to convey suckled milk directly into the omasum is advantageous. The reticular groove also called the esophageal groove, is a trough in the wall of the reticulum that extends from the esophageal opening to the
opening of the omasum. When the calf nurses the muscles associated with the groove contract and form a tubular structure that conveys swallowed liquid from the esophageal opening directly to the omasum, essentially bypassing the rumen and the reticulum.

More information than you would ever want

1.What are the three segments of the small intestine? Which is usually the longest?
They are the dudodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. The jejunum is generally the longest.

2.What does the ileocecal sphincter do?
The sphincter is an anatomical and functional muscle that regulates movement of the materials from the small intestine into the colon or cecum.

3.What are the villi, microvilli, brush border, and crypts? How do they aid digestion and absorption of food?
The mucosa in the small intestine is adapted to provide a tremendously large surface area for absorbing nutrients, thanks to the folds in the intestinal wall and the millions of tiny, cylindrical fingerlike projections called villi. In addition to the folds and the villi, each villus contains thousands of small villi of its own called microvilli. This is why we say it takes a villi.

The microvilli are so plentiful that they microscopically resemble short bristles on a brush, hence the layer of microvilli are often called the brush border. The cells of this brush border have many digestive enzymes and carrier molecules embedded in their cell membranes for the digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. The cells of each villus are constantly replenished. Surrounding each villus are invaginations in the intestinal mucosa called Crypts. The competing cells are called the Bloods. Get it? Crypts and Bloods.

4. What is the role of segmental contractions in the small intestine? Why do animals get diarrhea if segmental contractions are decreased?
Segmental contractions mix the intestinal contents and slow their movement through the length of the intestine. These contractions churn the material in the intestine, ensuring that digestive enzymes secreted into the lumen of the intestine are mixed well with the contents. The churning motion of the segmental contractions also brings digested materials into contact with the surface of the intestinal tract for absorption. The inactive intestinal tract resembles a garden hose in which contents can slide. The result is (ugh) a high volume, small bowel diarrhea.

5. What is ileus? What causes it? Why would antiparasympathetic drugs like atropine cause it?
A decrease in peristaltic waves can result in the ingesta moving too slowly through the intestinal tract. Disease and stress (sympathetic nervous system) inhibit peristalis and can result in a condition of decreased movement of ingesta called illeus. Antiparasympathetic drugs like atropine cause it because peristalis is inhibited.

6. What do CCK and prostaglandins do to the small intestine?
Unlike its role in the stomach, where it serves to decrease gastric emptying, cholecystokinin (CCK) is thought to stimulate intestinal motility, as are prostaglandins.

7. What are polysaccarides, disaccharides, and monsaccharides? Give examples of each. What enzymes break down each of these?

Starch, glycerin, and various sugars constitute the complex
carbohydrates, or polysaccharides, (meaning many sugars) normally present in domestic animal foods. Disaccharides are smaller sugar segments. The disaccharides, which include sucrose, maltose, isomaltose (also called dextrin) and lactose, are further digested into monosaccharides (meaning one sugar) by the enzymes sucrase, maltase, isomaltase, and lactase, which are found in the cell membranes of the microvilli. The resulting monosaccharides are transported across the brush border by plainclothes policemen who are working incognito for a drug cartel but it is business as usual as the brush border cell membranes are absorbed into the body.

8. What are the proteases? What protease is produced by the stomach? What effect do the proteases have on polypeptides?
A protease is a protein spitting enzyme. It is also a strip tease that has paid her union dues and gone professional. Gastric pepsin is the protease produced by the stomach. The effect that proteases have on polypeptides is this – because proteins have so many differing types of amino acids, and because different amino acids have different types of chemical bonds with other amino acids, many differing proteases are required to complete the
chemical digestion of proteins.

9. Explain how each of the following plays a role in digestion of fats: emulsification, bile acids, liver, pancreatic lipase, triglycerides, glycerol, fatty acids, monoglycerides, and micelles.
For fats to be adequately digested, fat globules must be broken down into smaller pieces. This process is called emulsification and micelle formation. In the stomach, the agitation of the plyloric antrum breaks the fat globules into small droplets. As this emulsified liquid of fat droplets passes into the small intestine, bile acids combine with the droplets to keep them from forming back into globules. Bile acids have a water loving and a water fearing end. The bile acid sticks the hydrophobic end into the fat droplet, leaving the hydrophilic end exposed to the environment of the intestinal tract. In doing so this makes the resulting fat droplet water soluble.
Pancreatic lipases (fat digesting enzymes) penetrate the bile acid coating and digest the fat (triglycerides) molecules to produce glycerol, fatty acids, and monoglycerides.

Why do some animals get diarrhea when their diet is suddenly changed?
Incomplete indigestion is as good an answer as any. The presence of these undigested molecules osmotically retains water within and may even draw water into the lumen of the intestine, producing diarrhea.

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