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June 25, 2012: Transition Animals

Jon Katz speculates that some animals are transition animals – they come to us in order to get us from point A to point B. This is true of all the animals here. But the horses, Raudi, Siggi, Tinni, and Signy -- have been guides of sorts.

And now there’s Hrimmi. This morning I put the halter on her, in the large pen, and then clipped a line to her halter. She stood, and for some time gave serious thought to that heavy weight on her halter. She then took a few steps, and together we walked over to Signy.

Now I will be able to stand with her in place when Josh trims her feet, when Dr. Wellington gives her vaccinations, or Pete deworms her.

On the bench above our house

This is huge, for just a few days ago she was a free spirit. We are now starting to work together.

It’s too early to tell exactly what Hrimmi’s guidance-related role will be. But already, she’s assisting me in opening closed doors. There are a few out there who are as smitten with her as we are – for example, Karen Hopp, who says that Hrimmi is one of the most amazing foals she’s ever met – “she’s so calm,” Karen says.

Some literal transitions may also be in the works. Hrimmi is horse number five. Our facility is too small for them all. I am still eyeballing the land across the way, hoping that somehow, someway, I can acquire it and turn it into a horse facility. How wonderful it would be, to have pasturage, an arena, a compost facility. . .

I could not before imagine our having a little pinto foal. And I cannot now imagine what changes are ahead. But I am both looking forward to, and preparing to embrace them.

Next: 200. 06/26/12: More on Manure