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April 9, 2024: Once in a Lifetime

It’s late. And I’m thinking that no matter how old any of us are, a day is a big chunk of one’s life.

When we are young, we tend to squander days, for we know that we have many, many more ahead. For instance, a person who is 20 may think that they have 60 years left. That’s a lot of time. But a person who is 60 realizes that they may have 20 years left.

Recently, Jane Goodall, who is in her 90s, said that that when she was 70, she foresaw that she had twenty years left, and this was a lot of time. Now she can count on one hand how many years she has left. I figure it this way – if a person has no more years left (with 80 being the end times for the person in question) than what they can count on their two hands, they really are in the twilight of their years.

The twilight of one’s years – this sounds very romantic, and it could be so. Twilight is a nice time of day. It’s the time after dinner when you sit on the swinging porch and listen to the sounds of the crickets and watch the children catch fireflies in jars. This is after a long day, one in which no time was squandered.

My whole life, or at least ever since I can remember (and my memory goes back to age two or thereabouts), I have attempted to use my time wisely, and gotten irritated by those who in not using their time wisely, have attempted to fritter my time away.

Today was a day in which I did use time wisely, and fortunately, there were no glitches. And furthermore, all my interactions with others were positive.

I stopped early on at the Palmer Train Depot and dropped off books for the Friends of the Palmer Public Library coordinator. She was a nice person, a very warm individual. So I will, in the next few weeks, hunt her down and see if we can’t work together on getting books into the hands of appreciative readers.

I next went to the DMV. An older fellow, very spry, and wearing an I love Libraries button, said that the BLBP is a good thing. This made me feel good, and in fact it provided me with the energy to make two more stops, the first to the Borough Building and the second to the Ice hockey rink. I dropped off books before heading to the Palmer Senior Center. The inmates were glad to get books.

I ducked out of there early and went to the Palmer Lion’s Club meeting. It was business as usual. On then, to the hotel where I supervised five volunteers. I had things for them to do, so I managed to keep everyone busy for a few hours.

The day was just beginning at 6:00 p.m., for I then went to a Palmer City Council meeting and listened in as citizenry weighed in on the city council’s decision to wait on acting on a bond measure that would jump start the building of a new library. It was very entertaining. And, of course, I felt as though I had a vested interest in the outcome.

Full steam ahead – it’s looking as though tomorrow is going to be an equally long day.

Next: 99. 4/10/24: The History of the World

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