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April 1, 2022: Reconsidering Peripatetic Ways of Knowing

When I began the Bright Lights Book Project, I chose to emulate the sophists, who taught their students as they walked. The comparison was this – we would put bookcases in a variety of locales, and readers, strolling by, would select books. There was nothing sedentary about the salvaging, sorting, cleaning, categorizing, or distribution of books. And there was nothing sedentary about the book selection process.

Alys and Manny from Anchorage book project

Things were fine as they were. The project then grew, then grew some more. Now, at this point in time, we are looking for a building in which we can house the books. This building would belong to the project. It would not be a rental. It would root the project in that it would be in a set locale.

This building would have office space for me, and an area for teaching literacy classes. It might also have an area for cleaning and sorting books. There of course would be plenty of space for books, which means I would not have to move them out quickly. In other words, I could hang onto books, say, on the price of coins in 1967.

The search continues – nothing as of yet has materialized in the Palmer area. I am frustrated because I know that my job would be easier if we had access to land, a building, or both.

The figurative price we would pay would be pretty high in terms of the original vision of course honored the Sophists. The literal price we would pay would be pretty high because this sort of real estate in our area is very costly.

And, oh yes, we continue to grow. Today Milena and I went to Anchorage where we met with a representative from Kaladi Brothers coffee. We also met with two representatives from Read on the Fly. Michelle, who works for Kaladi Brothers sees the potential in our project, in a way that the local recycling center did not.

She and I seemed to be on the same page – we both agreed that it would be best for us to put two bookcases in Kaladi Brothers shops, one in Anchorage and one in Wasilla. If this went well, we’d later add others. She also invited us to participate in a summer event, one in which Kaladi Brothers sets up and lets nonprofits sell their wares. I suppose that we could sell underwear with the Bright Lights logo on it.

Michele is also interested in coming out to Palmer and getting a BLBP tour. She’d also bring her marketing staff. I am envisioning us having a luncheon at Turkey Red Restaurant.

My mind keeps circling back to the same old thing. In order to provide the right books to the right business patrons, we need a shelter.

After all was said and done, Milena and I went to Wasilla and dropped books from her book project off at Kids Kupboard in Wasilla. I also picked up a few boxes of books, which I brought back to Palmer. Our nice book stash is out there right now – it would be more convenient if it was here.

And so, round and round I go, wishing that the merry go round would stop because then I could better enjoy the view.

Next: 90. 4/2/22: In Pain

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