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May 13, 2022: Pain and Anxiety

I often wonder how one influences the other. I suspect that there is a connection to be made. I wish that I was only speaking theoretically, but I am now speaking from experience. My tooth is no longer in my head. However, I am in considerable pain. I do find that staying focused on the task at hand, whatever this may be, diverts my attention and makes me feel better.

I wish we lived in a world where I could call our health care providers at any hour (in this case my dentist) so that he might tell me if what I am experiencing is normal or abnormal. This knowledge, particularly if the pain is normal, would put me at ease and perhaps reduce the pain level.

Last night was pretty tough. I was in pain. I didn’t want to get up and take medication. However, I could not sleep. So finally, I did get up and I did take some Ibuprofen. This helped. I was falling back asleep when Shadow alerted me to the fact that she was going to puke. I figured this out, but not soon enough. Up what she’d been eating came onto the stairs. Sleep then became a foregone conclusion.

Giveing away books at Friday Fling

I got through today because I had to. Nan called at 8:30 a.m. as I was finishing my morning chores, and said that because it was raining where she was (it was snowing here), that we might bypass having a book table in front of the Palmer Museum. So instead, as planned, we went to the Mat-Su School District warehouse where we had heard the school district was having a library book sale.

James Rogers, who gave us an assist and books in the past, was again very welcoming. He had most of the books on a table, in boxes. There were textbooks and curriculum books mixed in with the children’s books. He said that yesterday there were no takers, so for this reason, we might as well box up and take as many books as we liked.

Nan and I dove in and sorted and categorized the books that James had on hand. This was a whole lot of fun, to a large part because of Nan’s high level of enthusiasm for the task at hand. All total, we spent three hours working on getting the books we wanted boxed and onto a single pallet. There were also a half dozen boxes left that didn’t fit on the pallet.

As we worked, I came up with a plan, which I proposed to both Milena and to Nan. This was that we rent a second U-Haul storage locker, put shelving that she had from her Book Waves project in it, and then put the books that are going out this summer on the shelves. I said I liked this idea because it was one step further organizationally.

In the afternoon we set up shop outside the Palmer Museum. It was cold and blustery, but many of the books went to good homes.

Next: 132. 5/14/22: Sassy’s Big Day

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