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October 3, 2021: The Last Day of Good Weather this Fall

The days are now much shorter, with the sun setting around 7:30 p.m. Very hard for me to deal with – I recall two months ago going riding at 10:30 p.m. Now I must get out before noon if I expect to get all the horses out.

Today, temperatures in the 30s, me not used to the cold. But the sun shining made up for this. And there was no rain or snow. This better weather made me realize that yesterday I was a dedicated horse person, for sure, getting me and three horses out in really nasty weather.

Today I got Tyra out first, around noon, when it finally had warmed up some. It was a nice, leisurely ride. Returned, at 2 p.m. Milena Sevigny pulled into the driveway with her nine-year-old son, Orion and her 2 ½ year old daughter, Shersha. Originally, Shersa was to get a lesson, but I ended up giving lessons to both kids.

Milena, Shersha, and Orion and I worked as a team getting Tinni ready for his two outings. The three goats added much-needed ambiance – they hung out in the yard while we worked. I’d put the dogs away. I later made it up to them by taking them for a second ride.

Tinni saying high to some kids

Tinni remains the horse everyone would like to have. He never makes a wrong move, and this time was no exception. After brushing and grooming him (collectively), I put the bareback pad on him and then took Shersha for a ride down the road. Her mother held onto her side – this is easy with an Icelandic horse because you don’t have to reach as high up.

Next, I had Orion get on Tinni. He tried to hide it, but I could tell he was nervous because his legs kept riding up to his waist. And he looked really concerned when, on the return trip home, Tinni picked up the pace.

After putting the horses away, we all went inside and ate Chinese food that Milena had brought with her. And we all sat around and talked about many things. I was surprised to find that Milena had some knowledge of body awareness work – she’d recently taken Orion to an eye specialist who from as far as I could tell, relied on Feldenkrais training when working with clients.

Weather permitting, the entire gang will be back. Weather permitting. There are no guarantees about it continuing to be good or bad. Most I know are doing what we’re doing here, which is taking care of loose ends around the place before winter.

I am thinking that I am going to have to lay low these next few weeks. Alaska now has the highest covid rate in the nation. I did predict this – I foresaw that rednecks would refuse to wear masks or get vaccinated. The question is, is this virus taking out the stupid people? The odds have to be in favor of the rest of us, who are much more careful.

Live and let live. This now seems like an apt motto.

Next: 274. 10/4/21: Books and Bookcases

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