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April 17, 2021: Spring has Sprung

Yes, I have no doubt. Spring is finally here. The sun’s been shining brightly, and the snow is melting. The horse pen – there are now fissures in the hard packed snow. The mare’s shelter, which has rubber mats, is full of water. The snow on the shelter roof is melting. Pete pushed some of the snow down so that when it does come down, it does not fall on the horses and break their backs.

I took Tinni for a walk this morning – the driveway was icy because last night’s runoff had frozen. The mounds and berms are slowly melting away. The road is now ice free and the surface is even starting to harden up. The most ambitious of the migratory birds are back and have been

Breakup: That ugly time of year

letting it be known that they are wanting mates. Not just any old mates, but industrious mates who will be good nest builders and providers.

The snow machiners are putting away their machines and pulling forth their other toys, most notably their dirt bikes and four wheelers and side winders. As soon as the trails are open, they will be out there, playing in the mud and further tearing up the terrain.

The horses are now taking mid-day naps, getting down on their sides and snoozing. In the winter they remain standing. I’m sure that they tire of this.

Right now, it’s a bit windy. But the wind is no longer biting. I was out for some time today and I didn’t wear my gloves. Wearing gloves is what I find to be the most onerous aspect of winter. I have small hands, so I am constantly removing them, in order to fasten buckles on halters and bridles, among other things. I lose them, and routinely end up with 3, 4, 5, right-handed gloves.

The goat pen was flooded – Pete busted up the snow mound in front of the rear shed opening and shoveled off the roof.

Previously lost objects are surfacing. Yesterday, I found my large blue ball, it had been buried under three feet of snow. Alas, Shadow bit into it, and so it’s no longer usable. Today I found my second riding helmet. It fell off the rail on the hitching post, it was buried under two feet of snow. I extricated it. It was filled with snow. I put it on my head, it was actually cooling.

I feel as though I am coming out of deep freeze. I find it easier to move around, my joints aren’t as stiff. I am sure all the animals, even the dogs, feel the same way.

Time to begin spring projects. We will get garden starts going tomorrow. Also, lots of talk about what the spring and summer projects will entail. We’ll both be doing a lot of fence repair and building this year.

Today when I walked Tinni and Shadow, I set out targets. I then rode Hrimmi around the loop – the lesson went as planned. She saw the targets and trotted up to them. Now I am thinking, big spring projects, hook her up to the cart and teach her to paint.

Spring and summer will go by fast. A little voice in my head is saying “enjoy it while you can.”

Next: 107. 4/18/21: The Distribution of Labor at Squalor Holler

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