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October 4, 2020: If Wishes were Horses

It was a long day, but a good day. Sundays, I do group lessons at Saddle Up arena. I don’t generally write about the lessons after because I have not yet internalized what transpired/what was accomplished. In other words, I have not re-interpretated what transpired and put it into story form. Time distorts memory. This is a devalued absolute. The past has to become a fictionalized nonfiction account in order for us to both make sense of it and then articulate it to others. It is what I remember is not a disclaimer but a very valid statement.

I had a plan today, which was to first spend time with Judy and her mule Isme, and then after assist while Claudia, a dog and pony clicker trainer, first gave a demo with her Icelandic horse, then worked with Jessica, Christie, and Sarah. There was to be a progression with all present building on the day’s lessons.

Judy and Isme at the 2018 CTR

The one who ended up learning the most was me because I was at Saddle Up from 11:15 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. The whole while, I remained attentive, and considered what I was learning in relation to what I did and did not know.

I was a bit more at ease about learning/passing on what I know, having a few days ago figured out that yes, in my case, ahh, haa moments occur randomly. There is no rhyme or reason to this – the image of the lightbulb going off suffices. Often, I put my revelatory moments to use later on.

The day got off to a good start (as it always does) in working with Judy and Isme, the mule. Talking with Judy centers me. It was this thought that prompted me to begin the day’s lessons by talking with her about centering and following our talk with a simple exercise in which we took our awareness to our core and pictured the sun, filling the void.

This led to a 45 or so minute meditation. This was a very powerful event – one in which Isme, in the round pen, joined in. Judy and I were doing infinity figure eights, and Isme followed suit, standing parallel to us and slightly swaying. Judy then sang a song she wrote last night at 3 a.m. one in which she and Isme were central characters.

I then realized that had we done things in a conventional manner; that is, had we immediately tacked up Isme and had Judy climb on her, I would not have gotten to hear this beautiful song. As it was, there was not enough time to do all we wished. Judy wanted to ground drive Isme. And I wanted to continue our conversation about her current work project. Maybe some time, I thought, we can get together on a non-lesson day and not have to worry about others needing an assist.

The other lessons were not quite as momentous, but I did see other human and equine light bulbs going off, which was equally gratifying.

One interesting aside – you get women and horses together, and there is little if any talk about relationship or political concerns. It is if during this time, we give ourselves permission to do what we most want to do, which is to talk with one another about what we are most passionate about, which is our relations with our animals.

Next: 275. 10/5/20: Wants and Needs

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