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May 3, 2020: Spring, again

This is my 64th spring. I don’t remember any of the others, but all were memorable because spring was, and remains, a time of transition. Transitions are what keep us mentally active because we have to think about what we are going to do, where we are going to do it, when we are going to do it, and how we are going to do it. We don’t have to think much about why we are going to do it because this is the transition that’s context driven.

An example – for the past six months, since the first heavy snowfall, I have been going down the driveway, taking a left, walking past the outhouse, and over to the horse enclosure. Now, because of the lack of the snow, I can easily walk


down the hill parallel to our cabin and get to the enclosure in less time. The catch is, I did have to think some about this for a few days. I had to first determine if the snow on the north facing slope would hold me, and if not, just how far I’d sink downward. I was one day able to walk on the crust, then it gave. But in a few days’ time, there was no more crust. The path that I am now taking on a routine basis got more distinctly defined in the past few days.

I did have to give this matter some thought because it was indicative of change. Without such things, we’d become mental blobs. No challenges, no firing of neurons, no alternative activity taking place.

Another example – Pete and I took Hrimmi and Tyra on Siggi’s Trail; something we had not done since December or thereabouts. This, for us, signals a transition from road to trail riding. The ground is still slightly sodden as in squish squish, and there are snow patches. The horses were both careful and energized. I think that they too were thankful for the change in routine. And after dinner (groan) I did the same ride on Raudi. We’ll give it a few more days to firm up. We knew the terrain was soft, but for the horses and for ourselves, we opted for this too early change in routine.

I’m so looking forward to getting out and doing more trail riding and I think so are the mares. The weather now is also conducive to this. Sunny, windy, temps in the high 50s.

There is also the transition that centers around the acquisition of more daylight. I am now heading out at 8:30 p.m. and getting the final ride of the day in. Doing this, as well as the horse chores, takes time. I’m now routinely getting in at 10:45 p.m. This is so different than getting in at 5 p.m. Then I curled up with a good book. Now I am out riding.

Tonight, outside, I saw the most amazing sunset ever. This was at about 10:15 p.m. The sky, looking down road, was three shades of blue. And it was orange and pink and yellow to my right, on the distant Chugach Range. The orange pink and yellow gave Raudi’s coat a dark red appearance. She appeared to be glowing. You don’t get this in the winter at night. Rather, you get the Northern Lights.

All seasons have their attributes. Right now, I am most appreciative of spring and the season transition that accompanies her.

124. 5/4/20: Traipsing down Memory Lane

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