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April 4, 2019: Cold and Windy

I sometimes think of the dispatches on my computer being like the Rosetta Stone. That is, future generations (maybe aliens) will find it and after decoding our alphabet, read what I have written. I’d like to think that what I have written will either make them smile or nod appreciatively.

Few are reading anything that I’m now writing – but this does not mean that I am not coming up with lasting prose. I’m not ahead of my time, I’m behind my time.

At least my readers will have some idea of what the weather was like in these parts. We live in a cabin that is not well insulated. We also spend a great deal of time outside,

Spinning wheels

so the weather is a subject that is close to our hearts.

Breezy the past few days and in the high 20s. Brrr. At least I’m not having to wear gloves. And nose nip isn’t an issue. Still, I stayed inside and worked later than usual. This was maybe a good thing because I really needed to put time into my article for the Icelandic Horse Quarterly. I missed my Monday deadline and I do not know if the editor will hold what I wrote for a later issue. I hope not. I am not happy about missing this deadline, but I am giving myself a pat on the back for rising to the occasion and getting this thing done.

If The Gift of a Good Ride gets accepted, I would expand upon this article, so no matter what, my having written this is not a loss.

And of course, there is always the question, and now what? I really do need to buckle down and study for my Wilderness First Responder practical and multiple choice tests, which will take place on April 27. At the same time, I want to rewrite my If You Find a Fork in the Road proposal and send it to another press. I suspect that the University of Alaska Press has not responded to my queries because they might, because of budget cuts, be folding. Just my luck. Just their luck. Tough times, all the way around.

My concern about the Fork book is that publishers won’t be interested in it because it’s outdated. Time’s a wasting so I will get on this.

And tomorrow is going to be a busy day – my last self-defense class. I will be glad when it’s over because it is hard work and there is pressure to perform. My high kick is as good as any, but my elbow jab needs work. Then after, Dr. Zach, our veterinarian, is coming over and giving rabies shots to the mares and floating Tyra’s and Hrimmi’s teeth. I am hoping that this will make them both a bit less mouth sensitive. And, if the weather changes, I will get in a ride.

Friday will be followed by Saturday, and Wilderness Responder class. This will be a reminder to me, yes, I do need to make studying the material a priority.


Next: 94. 4/6/19: Digging down Deep

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