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November 3, 2019: Baggage

Today my riding lesson student didn’t show up. This is the second time this has happened. I had the lesson planned. No big deal, my daily plan was not dependent on her being here. I did do agility with the horses – it turned out to be a problem-solving sort of day – me attempting to figure out how I might best teach them to go through a tough course – them being very obliging and helpful.

Tyra, as always, was the most helpful of all – I’d placed the dozen-or-so bucket lids on a barrel – she went and knocked them all off the top then began searching through them for the always illusive treat.

Alys and Hrimmin in the playground

The course requires that the horses do five obstacles in a circular pattern, then reverse direction and go the other way. Raudi, who knows how to lunge, had no problems with this. Tyra and Hrimmi had a harder time. They’ll all get it because they like the challenges that are inherent to learning the differing patterns. There are now no fear-related problems – they will go up, under, or over everything.

Pete and I also took Tyra and Hrimmi up to the bench, and after doing agility I took Tinni out for a solo walk and Raudi for a solo ride. All this horse activity allowed for plenty of time for self-reflection.

And so, today I thought a great deal about baggage – both definitions. There’s the literal stuff we actually carry around in going from point A to point B, and the figurative stuff we carry around in our heads in going from point A to point B. I thought some about the literal baggage – it is amazing what people think that they need to carry with them in their suitcases. And it is amazing what people think they need to carry with them in their heads.

I’m more empathetic than most. And I am quick to lend an ear and assist family members and friends in problem solving. What I really don’t like is having to deal with those who, out of habit, are carrying a mental overload. I see them coming – and prepare to ignore their request for assistance. I instead step back and focus on the present.

I have had times when I’ve attempted to get others to share my load, mainly in instances where I perceive that I’ve been wronged. However, my keeping in mind the figurative baggage analogy has better enabled me to either divest myself of my load or find ways of lightening it. Life is too short to spend time yammering about personal injustice. It’s best to just move on and leave the past behind.

Most likely, those who read this will wonder if they have burdened me. My response to this is no – those who have attempted to burden me have found others who quite willingly will give them a baggage-related assist.

I wonder if any TSA workers have made this comparison. I suspect many have – and this is why they don’t smile at people. Everyone going through the TSA lines has a story to tell, and sad to say, much of it is figurative baggage related.

Next: 305. 11/4/19: Veterinary Administrativa

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