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December 25, 2016: Mo ho Mo Jo

Yesterday we took Hrimmi and Tyra for a walk on Siggi’s Trail. I let Tyra go against Pete’s wishes. Hrimmi was already running free. I should never act against Pete’s wishes. He was right in thinking that together, they’d take off. And they did. Sure enough, the dynamic duo Twinkle Toes and Moo Moo, ran off, side up side, up the hill. They moved at a good clip, urging one another on. I trudged uphill, after them. Pete walked down to Siggi’s trail and did some maintenance work.

The ponies, way up hill, standing side-by-side, turned around, looked at me, and paused. I waved my ungloved hand up and down, like a traffic cop. Both took a few slow steps forward and then raced downhill, in my direction. I clicked when they both touched my outstretched hand,

Pete, Hrimmi,Tyra, and Ryder on the bench trail

and then reward them. I then did as Pete had said, and put one of the two back on line. We alternated having each one run free – they had a wonderful time.

It was cloudy, overcast, slightly blustery. Once home, I opted to take Hrimmi through the still existent agility course. Hrimmi had a great time – she enjoyed ringing the bell on the jump stand cross piece the most. She did hesitate before going through the streamer curtain, which was practically blowing sideways, but once through she pranced in place, as though she was quite proud of herself.

After, Pete and I removed the holiday obstacles from the agility course – I had learned the importance of doing this the easy way – Pete didn’t have to tell me that we needed to do this. The plastic bottles that I’d put in the pole square had blown away a few days previously. It was a bitch, kicking snow, unburying them and putting them back in place.

As we worked, Hrimmi, who was still with us, sought ways of distracting me. She first ambled over to the traffic cone, picked it up, and sent it high up into the air. This got no response. So she next marched over to a paper bag filled with holiday decorations and began pulling things forth, examining each object with her quivering nose. This got no response. So she next stomped on over the streamer curtain and trotted through it. This too got no response. She next went over to the jump stand, and with her nose she began ringing the cow bell. This got a response. I looked at her and she looked at me. She was clearly saying “mission accomplished.” I told her she was a good horse, clipped her lead on her halter and put her back in the paddock. She was not happy about going back in with the others, but she had no choice. We had work to do.

Once again, I was left to wonder how it is that we have such intelligent and easy going animals in our midst. They’re always fun to be around, even when conditions outside make me want to be inside.

The addition of a fourth horse, Tyra, has worked out really well. She’s now one of the gang of four. Previously, it was gang of three plus one. She now eats with them all, and she has even been sighted eating nose to nose with Raudi, who previously let her be known that she is queen of the hay pile.

Ho ho and Mo ho. It’s already a good holiday here. I am headed out, I will take Twinkle Toes and Moo Moo for a walk. Upon my return Pete and I will get Tinni and Raudi out for a holiday ride. Then we’ll go and have a holiday dinner with our friends, Ira and Patty. It will be as it should be, a good but uneventful day.

Next: 113. 12//26/16: Eating Crow

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