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March 31, 2015: A Conversation with Jenna

Alys: How are you doing today, Jenna?
Jenna: Me? How am I doing?
A: Yes, you. How are you doing?
J: Me, you talking to me?
A Yes, I’m talking to you.
J: I’m doing okay.
A: Just okay?
J: Me? You talking to me?
A: Yes, I’m talking to you.
J: Well, I’m doing okay.
A: Jenna, I think that you are suffering from short term memory loss.
J: I’m doing okay.
A: Earth to Jenna – come in Jenna, are you there?
J: I’m here.
A: That’s good for starters.
J: We are upstairs.
A: Correct.
J: We could be downstairs.
A: Correct. Do you like being upstairs or downstairs?
J: It doesn’t matter, so long as I’m with you or Pete.
A: Why is this?
J: I do not know. I don’t like being alone.
A: Why is this?

J: When I was young, and lived with the Caruthers, I was left alone a lot. I didn’t like it then, either. It feels strange.
A: We can’t be with you all the time.
J: Why not?
A: Because you don’t like riding in the truck.
J: No I do not.
A: Why not?
J: Cars and trucks go fast. Things go by. This makes me nervous.
A: Do you enjoy going for walks?
J: I don’t like going for walks with that little horse. She kicked Ryder.
A: Do you enjoy going to the groomers?
J: Heavens, no.
A: You do enjoy longer walks with Pete and me.
J: Can we go downstairs?
A: No, we were just downstairs.
J: I want to go downstairs.
A: Do you want to go outside? The sun’s shining and it’s warm.
J: No.
A: Why not?
J: I’ll go outside with you.
A: We can do this, later.
J: Do what later?
A: Go outside.
J: I can’t go outside unless you open the door for me.
A: I’m going outside in a while. I have work to do.
J: I have work to do, too.
A: What kind of work do you do?
J: Depends.
A: Depends on what?
J: Can we go downstairs?
A: If I come back upstairs, you will bark at the base of the stairs and then I will have to give you a hand coming back upstairs.
J: That’s right.
A: Then you’ll be upstairs and asking me to take you downstairs.
J: Yes, I would like to go downstairs.
A: Then you’ll be upstairs and asking me to take you downstairs.
J: Yes, I would like to go downstairs.
A: I think that you can do this on your own.
J: I could. But I want you to come with me.
A: You could go downstairs and then come back upstairs.
J: I could. But I want you to come with me.
A: Why don’t you put on your big dog collar and give this a try?
J: On my own?
A: Yes. On your own.
J: The water bowl is empty. It needs to be filled.
A: You need a drink of water?
J: Yes. I am hot.
A: Next week you are going to the groomers and having your thick coat removed.
J: Not the groomers!
A: Yes, the groomers!
J: How come the other dogs don’t go to the groomers?
A: Because they have short coats.
J: I think that it’s because they have tails.
A: What does this have to do with it?
J: It is the only thing I can think of.
A: Do you really need a drink of water?
J: Yes.
A: This I understand. Let’s go downstairs.

Next; 84. 4/1/15: We are Still Family

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