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November 5, 2013: A Better Day, Today

Some days are not so good, only because you’re waiting on one or more things. What you subsequently discover is that sometimes email and phone messages don’t reach their final destination. And sometimes people are preoccupied with what they see as other, more pressing matters.

Well, yesterday I had a growing list of things that I was waiting on. Today some people did come through. The first was CJ, who is the nerve center for Synergist Saddles. About a week ago I’d sent her photos of the white spots on Raudi’s back. She said that the reason for this was that she hadn’t gotten the photos.

Now that she knows this, a response on the matter will soon be forthcoming Even if she had gotten the photos, CJ had a valid excuse for not getting back to me. If it could happen to her, it has happened to her. A short while back, heavy rains caused the house and shop roofs to collapse, making both unfit to live or work in. This was to the tune of $100,000 worth of damage. And Troy and Joy, who want to build on nearby property, recently learned that an upcoming house moving project is going to be far more complicated than Troy first thought. Phone lines are going to have to be taken down, and the roof removed, so that the house can fit under an overpass. And Tom, who is a Synergist Saddle employee, is because of dog concerns, now working at home. Obviously, CJ has a lot to deal with.

And last night our veterinarian’s assistant first emailed me, and shortly thereafter called. She too had valid excuse for not getting back to me. She was on vacation. Pete talked to her, and then after hanging up he told me that the veterinarian is going to come over on Friday. The assistant said that something’s been going around. So maybe Raudi does not have heaves. Rather, she might just have a viral infection that can be cured via the administration of a good (cheap) drug.

And the Icelandic Horse Quarterly magazine editor finally got back to me after I wrote her repeated emails. She said that the reason for the delay was because she is in Iceland and working on a writing project that involves interviewing 17 people. She added that she will continue to be busy, but that she will eventually get to reading the article I wrote about our trip and Mr. Siggi. She also said that she hopes the article is “honest and brave.” I’d like to think that this describes what I have written, because the term describes Mr. Siggi. I wanted badly to do him justice.

So there you have it. What these delays (and there have been many, many more) have led me to believe is that I’m not the center of the universe. In fact, I am not even in this universe. I am out there floating around. Sometimes I catch someone’s attention (ever hear a star fart?) and get some kind of response. It’s good to be reminded of such things every so often, because it makes one a bit more humble. And we sure could use a bit more humility in this world.

All ‘n all, it was a darn good day. The weather continues to hold. It’s been a bit colder, but so far there has not been a major snowfall. So today I was again able to get the dogs out and go for a run. I ran into Pete at the base of the hill, and we hiked back to our place. Pete also made some new trails on his walks, so later we rode them. Tinni was quite chipper and happy to be out. The same can be said of Signy, who is the most willing riding horse ever.

Yep, on days like this, I just want to remain here forever.

Next: 225: 11/6/13: Happy Trails to You